Monday, April 6, 2009


With the second child comes the realization that you have forgotten things you NEVER thought you'd forget: the date on which your little one first smiled at you, first sat up, first pooped on the toilet... truly exciting stuff. It seems I have absolutely NO recollection of anything important in the last 5 years of my life. Other moms are always asking me at what age our little girl slept in her own bed, slept through the night (never), got teeth, ate chocolate, drank a beer, etc. I can't seem to remember anything. Thankfully, my dear hubby is always there to correct me when I pull facts and dates out of thin air.

One of the reasons for this blog in my little head is to document all the events of their short little lives... oh yeah, and to vent so as to maintain my tenuous grasp on sanity.

Anyway, here are some things I want to remember:

4/5/09--- L started sounding words out. While Papa and I slept on a VERY early Sunday morning, she sounded out all the words on Papa's t-shirt--- no small feat at "Building Blocks of Kalamazoo". "WHAT THE?" (that is Luna's other current milestone... I pray she never actually finishes that question)
Anyway, this seems to have happened overnight. She is getting to be quite skilled at sounding out words. I am headed to the library later to get some of those Easy Reader books. Horrible literature but they are really helpful.

4/6/09--- She tied her shoes! Also, while we slept. Actually, she tied the door to her fairy tent thingy closed while we slept but then later tied her shoes. WHAT THE?

4/6/09--- T is working so hard on sitting up! Any time I set him in a reclined position, as in the carseat or the swing or the bouncy chair... well anywhere he sits, I guess... he works so hard at sitting upright that I actually feel bad for him. He can sit up on flat surface with some support but this makes L nervous he will fold up on himself (a good possibility). He is sooo talkative-- especially at 6:15am. He has mastered that open-mouth squeal/squawk thing and will do it for ages it seems. He makes lots of sounds and is most happy when a person (okay, me) is a few inches from his face making all the same squawking sounds and having a bird-ish conversation. He will be so happy and looking you in the eyes and just talking away for ever. He also loves to sing and to be sung too. This works out nicely as L loves to make up songs and sing them directly into his little delicate ear-- high-pitched shrill songs. All about how much she loves him or about how the Queen Bee at school has ditched her for someone with longer hair or all about how she is mad at me and thinks she and T should live somewhere without their parents, except for Grandma and grandpa because they are "nice" or about how the Muppet Show episode with Maria from the Sound of Music (shall I go on?). His latest feat is grabbing both hands and pulling his arms up over his head (sort of-- he can't quite make it). His arms will be over his forehead and he makes all these hilarious faces with his eyebrows all smooshed down OR he is figuring out how to play peek-a-boo! Fun, fun, fun! (I am serious-- hilarity).