Monday, October 6, 2008

Blogworthy Boy

I worked all day Saturday-- like 7am to midnight kind of day. I took 35 teenagers to Cleveland on a charter bus to see this super-cool museum exhibit called Race: Are We So Different? We are preparing for it to come here to Kalamazoo in 2010. At any rate, I was exhausted on Sunday-- achy and missing my little girl. It was a gorgeous Sunday here and so I was trying to get her to go outside with me and work in the yard. She was having none of it so the Mister (who I thought just wanted some alone time) suggested we go to the park near our house.

We ended up running into some friends there so we stayed longer than planned. I expected to come back to a napping Papa. Instead, we came home to a wonderfully clean-smelling house! He had been bitten by some kind of bug and had mopped and scoured the kitchen and downstairs bathroom! He had scrubbed out garbage cans and used all sorts of yummy smelling natural cleaning products!

I have to say that he is generally quite helpful but it is usually my idea. I bug him a bit and give him a few days notice and then we have a big (or little) cleaning bee--complete with Dolly Parton music blaring.

This time, though, he scrubbed and scoured all on his own and that, my friends, is what made it such an amazing gift to this exhausted pregnant Mama. Thank you, loverbutt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can we borrow him?