Friday, May 8, 2009

The Aroma of Asparagus

WARNING: This blog entry is kind of gross.

The other day Luna had a haircut scheduled at the "fancy-nancy" hair salon downtown. I love taking her there for the star treatment AND they have a fun boutique with weird, cool things (I bought her a pair of old-fashioned bike handlebar streamers for $3!). Usually, I try to take her and make it a big girl date but this time, Stephen couldn't get off work so Tommy came along too. It all worked out fine.

After the fabulous haircut and conversation with Alicia the Stylist, we walked up to our favorite spot-- the Food Co-op. That day, they were having their first "100-mile Farmer's Market" out in the parking lot. They'll have it every Wednesday all summer long and it will only get bigger and more splendid, I am sure. Obviously, not much is growing within 100 miles of us right now but we did grab some cookies (made with local eggs, butter and sugar) and some freshly picked asparagus.

I know I am prone to hyperbole but this was the best fucking asparagus I have ever had. It was so tender and fresh. Once you got down to the thicker part of the stalk, it was REALLY sweet in a way I have never noticed in asparagus.

(Here comes the gross part.) My least favorite part of eating asparagus is the scent of one's urine for the next 12 hours or so. I never noticed it until it was pointed out to me as an adult (I probably never ate asparagus as a kid anyway-- not by choice, I am sure). My dear friend Beth mentioned it one time in passing and now I think of it every time I eat asparagus. Well... the smell of one's own urine post-asparagus pales in comparison to this recent experience.

I won't go into much more detail. Let me just say this:

1. Luna wears a Pull-up to bed. She needs one, you see.
2. Luna also has gotten into bed with us most nights since Tommy was born.
3. It was a pretty warm night.
4. I was sitting up in bed with Tommy a lot that night.
5. It was a long and fragrant night.


Bridget said...

Wow, I really want to eat some asparagus now.

Krause House said...

Yep, that's gross alright. But, we've had a lot more disgusting things go on with #2 at our house!!