Monday, March 10, 2008

Our Little Gretl... or Marta or Liesl or Brigitta or MARIA

Moon is obsessed with the Sound of Music-- I mean, OBSESSED! How did this happen, you ask? One day this winter she had the flu and so did I and so did Papa. It seemed like a great way to pass 3 hours on a sickly Sunday afternoon. I had no idea! She had never watched anything longer than a Caillou episode and here she is now, begging to watch her 3-hour movie every day.

One day a few weeks ago, my folks were visiting. My mom and I stepped out to grab a few things and left Moon with Grandpa- a rare occurrence. When we returned, he looked happy but exhausted. Apparently, he had been ordered to perform the entire time we were gone. It took some frustrated 3-year-old bossing-around but finally he figured out that his line was, "Popping out to say..." and she would pop out from behind the 4 foot tower they had built and say, "COO COO!" Poor Grandpa had no idea what this was about but played along nonetheless.

When we returned, I figured out the reference and played the "So Long, Farewell" song off of the Sound of Music soundtrack (I know, it is my own fault for owning BOTH the movie and the soundtrack... I have created a monster... My girlfriends and I did some serious "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" routines when we were, well, sixteen...).

At any rate, her little number with Grandpa has morphed into a complete routine that is performed EVERY night at bedtime (and several other times throughout the day).

Birthday cards to friends are signed, "Love, Luna, Mama, Papa, Liesl, Kurt, Marta and Gretl". She is forever telling anyone who will listen about all of her brothers and sister, named... "Friedrich, Louisa, etc." Sometimes she lets me be Brigitta but usually I have to be Kurt. Sometimes she is the 5-year-old Gretl and sometimes she is Maria singing, "I have confidence in confidence alone! I have confidence (pause, pause) in ME!"

1 comment:

Bridget said...


I hope you will have built the gazebo by the time we visit next summer.

But the real question is:

Who will play Rolf?

Oh my god, didn't we know a Rolf at MSU? Did I go out with him? No, I don't think so, but I couldn't be too sure...