Friday, January 23, 2009

All's Quiet

Whew! It is Friday. Been a long week. Little T has been stuffed up so sleep is hard to come by-- for both of us. I tried putting him in his carseat in the night so he was more upright. Poor little guy kicked off all of his blankets and woke up with cold little icicle hands.

L has been dragging her feet (literally) in the mornings for the first time. She'll even stop right outside her classroom and refuse to budge. Her teacher, whom she adores, has to come out in the hallway and cajole her into the room.

So... today she is playing hooky. All of her Public School Friends have the day off, presumably for Record Day (trying explaining that concept to a 4-year-old Montessorian). She was invited to a little party at Bounceland. I've never been there but I think it is just like it sounds--- Hell on Earth or at least Purgatory.

Our dear friends just picked her up and took her to it. We'll meet up with everyone after for pb&j lunch and possible snow play. It is downright balmy today at 33 degrees.

I am actually showered and dressed and so is Tommy. He is asleep and it is 10 am and I feel like today is going to be a good day. I have had some rough ones this week and last. Just so sensitive and exhausted.

I was supposed to have two of my closest friends over Wednesday night at 8:30. I texted them at 8:15 and cancelled. I felt like if either of them walked in and asked me how I was doing, I would have melted right into the carpet never to be heard from again. So, I cancelled. They were so understanding and are now checking on me lots. I am glad for that. I never gave a second thought to the Baby Blues with first kid but now find myself "on the verge" often.

I am OK. I just need to be careful. The winter weather is a good excuse and I could easily isolate myself completely right now. But I went for a walk in the snow with another mom friend and babe the other day. I will meet up with friends and kids later after Bounceland. I find that I just get down on myself so much lately. I didn't do this, didn't finish that.

My folks were over yesterday and even my MOM said, "no one expects that with a new baby. Give yourself a break." She always thinks everyone should have a clean house and a healthy meal on the table. They were great. Grandpa got down and played with L lots and Grandma snuggled baby (to give my aching back a break) and cooked a beautiful dinner AND folded and put away a bunch of laundry. I am very lucky.

Oh yeah! My biggest accomplishment yesterday--- I have been meaning to mail some Christmas and New Baby gifts since BEFORE my kid showed up in early December. Yesterday I made it to the Post Office (with the help of G&G) and off they went along with several other things ---- like a belated birthday present for one of my 3 loyal readers :-)

Today is a fresh day and I am feeling ready for it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi my dear friend!

I check your blog often and just read your last three posts. I wish I were there right now to come over and share some chocolate and cook a meal and take Luna out on a date. I miss you! I'm sorry you are feeling so discombobulated. I agree with your mom - go easy on yourself - and it sounds like you are getting out despite the dreary winter which is good. Let's talk soon. Love you so much. Miss you lots and lots, wish I weren't 2500 miles away. xoxoxo gina