Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day Three of My New Life

Today is Wednesday. L went back to school on Monday and Papa returned to work.

The Boy is sleeping quietly in his carseat thingy. We just returned from dropping L off at school. This was the first morning I had to do all that by myself and she actually made it there on time! I think it was because I had this relaxed mindset that if she is late, it is just preschool.

So, the Boy slumbers away. I should wake him up. I am actively trying to get him to sleep a bit more at night and that means waking him up during the day if he is snoozing too long. Yesterday was a "good day". Monday had been pretty rough. He was gulping a lot of air and after a long talk with the lactation consultant at the hospital, I implemented all sorts of new things. Basically, he had a shitty latch and I had let him do it for a month. So he had these horrible tummy aches and would throw up entire feedings sometimes. I had crazy sore nipples and was just putting up with it. So Monday, he and I fought a lot. He was pissed b/c I kept taking him off until he would get it right-- a really tough learning curve and many tears were shed--- mine and his.

Yesterday was better. He seems to eat less- probably just more efficient at it. My let-down is not so crazy and gushing. My milk production is straightening itself out.

He actually slept a lot last night. We all went to bed at 11pm (I always have these grand intentions of going to bed at 9 but from 9-11 seems to be a rough time for him--- very hungry and fussy). Anyway, in bed at 11pm, up at 2am... I nursed in bed and fell asleep-- probably not a great feeding. Again at 4am and then at 7:20am. Not too bad, for us...

This morning was fine actually. The Man had an early meeting so I actually got up and going. L started out cranky but quickly shifted to her usual pleasant, dancing self. She and I even had some play time as the Boy fell back asleep after he got his diaper changed.

I don't want to jinx myself but I am pretty damn proud of ourselves for this morning. No fights-- no blowups-- is this possible every day?

The biggest complaint/question I had was about taking this little baby out in the cold. I hate carrying him around in that damn car carrier--- more of a wrap mama myself. But it is so damn cold out and it seems better to keep him bundled up in there.

It seems like many parents at the L's school leave younger siblings in the warm car (running) while they take big kids in. That feels weird/unsafe to me. Am I a total freak? Oh well. I guess I will just keep carrying that heavy-ass thing in and out and when spring comes, I can walk them to school or at least carry the Boy in w/o the carseat contraption.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Hey there, glad to hear you're easing your way out of the "I Have A Brand New Baby How Can I Do Anything Else" Mode and into Life with Two Kids Mode...I actually think a third person should be biologically required to create a second child, because the workload of two kids is WAY more than double that of one kid. You can use your imagination as to how that conception would happen...

I'm still waiting on Tommy's birth story, even though I heard the short version in the phone I want it in full glory. But I'll be patient.

Congrats on this morning. You're doing the hardest job around!