Sunday, February 22, 2009

Whisperin' Update

So... the honeymoon with the Baby Whisperer was short. That was forever ago that we tried implementing all this new stuff. When I look back, we have done really well overall. I am doing a much better job of reading his cues (for sleep, for hunger or gas-- the Big Three) and so overall, there are fewer meltdowns-- for everyone.

However, I think I was delusional that he would just lie down in his little cradle and go to sleep and I would have all this free time! I did get her second book from the library yesterday and I did poke around on her website forum a few days ago. It has all made me feel better. The second book gets more into detail about HOW to do it all. The first book seemed to spend a lot of time trying to convince readers of the merits of a routine for babies and all that. I think I needed that 4 years ago. Now I see the necessity of a routine for my little ones so I want more practical stuff-- the HOW to make it work. The forum is just a bunch of regular folks talking about what has and hasn't worked for them. It made me realize that there are lots of ways to do it and it doesn't have to be EXACTLY like she says. Made me feel more comfortable taking from it what works for us.

So... we are still muddling through it. Still melting down sometimes but we're sticking to it. That's the story anyway.


Ms. Burrell said...

i'm glad to hear that you're human!

Krause House said...

I have spent so many hours of my life on that damn Baby Whisperer book and web site. I'm telling you, it was crazy!!! It all works out after a year anyway. Just get through that and then they sleep. I am too much of a softie to implement anything too crazy. One thing that stuck--everyone in our house still calls Owen's sleeping stuffed animal his "lovey!"