Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Big Payback

Mere minutes ago we were enjoying a relaxing, pre-rest time lunch when L asked Papa a simple enough question (I don't even remember what it was). He paused and said, "Because..." (I think he was fully intending to continue his answer). L jumped in with a snarky, "'Because' is not a reason, Papa."

Ouch! He deserves it, though, and we all laughed our asses off. Of course, I don't think L had any idea why we both found it so hilarious but she loves a good hearty laugh.

This is the first time I have seen her burn him so thoroughly with his own words and I couldn't hold it together. I don't think she even meant to be so snotty. She's right, it isn't a reason.

The "Stephen-ism" that I get often from her that fills me with ire is when I ask, "Will you please do me a favor?" and she replies with, "What is it?"

I live with two of these people now! I have NEVER asked either of them to do anything remotely out of the ordinary-- like clip my toenails for me or scour the garbage can with their toothbrush. It is usually something along the lines of bringing me a screwdriver while I stand on this chair repairing YOUR light bulb or easier still, mopping up the water YOU spilled. Just say, "Yes!" when I ask for help.

Finally, he was on the receiving end of it... Ahhhh....
(I know I am getting an unhealthy amount of pleasure from this-- Oh well.)

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