Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Bike

L's little friend G is so amazingly generous with her. When I told G's mom that we were in the market for a 2-wheeler bike this past spring, G promptly hauled out and dusted off her teeny-tiny Dora bike and pink butterfly helmet.

It only took her mom and I 2 months to get the girls together for the hand-off-- but what a gift-giving event it was! Here are some pics of the girls riding around on their bikes. They rode a few doors down to cruise the track (and swing!) at G's school park.

She is 2 1/2 years older than L and always referred to L as her "little sister". Some months we do a better job than others of getting them together but whenever we do, I am reminded how great they are together. G is such a gentle little soul and so kind to L. She seems especially to get a kick out of handing off her really special toys/gear for L to enjoy. L's all-time favorite dolls still consist of one of the "twins" G gave her years ago. An amazingly sweet testament to their friendship, I think. (Explanation: The "twins" are two identical dolls from Target but one is lily-white like L and the other is light brown like G and I think it is the sweetest thing in the world every time she refers to them as "the twins".)

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